
Jennifer Lauro

I am a Fashion Merchandising Major with a concentration in Marketing at Immaculata University. This summer (2015) I am interning at The Marketing department to gain experience and excel in my career path.
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7 Shocking SEO Myths

Recently, I have been getting more interested in SEO and learning the details behind it. To start off, I wanted to separate the myths from the facts to get a clear understanding. Basically SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is optimizing your website for search engines to recognize the quality and trust worthiness of your website, but also ranking your website among competitors. There are a plethora of theories and opinions thrown out there regarding SEO, but here is a list of common myths that you should know about before getting started with SEO.
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6 Tips on How to Nurture Prospects with Content

Here is a simple guide on how to nurture your leads successfully. Lead nurturing is the process of creating relationships with potential/existing customers, and moving them down through the buyer’s cycle. It is a process that takes time, because you do not want to pressure the lead into making a purchase. Follow these tips and learn how to nurture your leads correctly.

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6 tips to create a content marketing strategy

What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is how you attract and gain buyers through the creation of unique content and how the content is presented via a business’ online channels such as, websites, blogs, and social media, etc. I have created a short list of tips to help anyone narrow down how to easily, but effectively create strong relevant content and keep it flowing.

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How to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile

Every one wants the best LinkedIn profile they can possibly have, but not everyone always knows the best steps to take in order for that to happen.  With that in mind, provided is a list of key points to review/complete while optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Optimizing your profile will help you gain ranks in searches and help you get noticed by the right people searching for the services, products and skills that you offer.

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5.5 Reasons to Invest in Inbound Marketing

1.)  Saves Marketing Budget

Inbound marketing is cheaper than outbound marketing (Print, TV, Radio, Direct Mail, etc.), on average companies who use inbound methods are able to save $20,000 yearly. That statistic alone should motivate businesses to consider inbound marketing for them. It cost 61% less per lead in inbound marketing versus outbound. The goal of inbound is to attract customers by creation of great content and by doing so, marketing this way saves money, because just by gaining leads via inbound marketing is already 61% cheaper per lead.

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8 things to know about landing pages

Landing pages are a page where visitors land on after clicking on a CTA.The page will have a form for the visitor to fill out, thus turning them into a lead. 

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5 Quick Tips On Social Media Marketing

1.)    Create a social media marketing campaign plan

To successfully market using social media you must plan everything you post, share and follow, otherwise you will get lost. In marketing everything must be planned out and organized. Decide what you want your content to be (based off of your buyer personas), what you want to get across, when the best time is to share it, and how many posts are needed daily on each platform. Organize your posts by topic and when you’ll post them. Base the content you share on what is most relevant at that time to your buyer personas. If you create a successful plan with everything being shared at all the right times, your brand will begin to attract a following, and, most likely, get more social shares. Having a plan for social media posts, rather than just posting whenever you think it’s needed, will create   consistency in your social media presence. Everything has to be researched based, and not from an opinion. Do some researching on when the best times to post are, and how many posts a day are needed. Without a plan you will find yourself in chaos and guessing what to do next. 

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How to solve the biggest problems with lead generation

Know your buyers

To generate leads, marketers must first understand their buyers. Today buyers are the ones who orchestrate the entire selling/buying process. Buyers research the products they desire, and from there they form opinions and carefully make their decisions. Creating buyer personas from research can grant some insight on possible buying patterns, which ultimately guides marketing strategies. With this knowledge in mind, marketers can strategize accordingly to buyers wants and needs in a way that will attract them.


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What you should know about Buyer Personas

What are buyer personas?

Buyer personas are essentially a detailed mock-up of what makes a target audience buying behavior. Every business has a target audience of people they are trying to reach out to and pull in. Buyer personas are how businesses know whom to target, and how to go about it. In other words they are the representations of the “right” customers for a business.  There is no correct amount to the number of buyer personas needed for your business. However, each business should have enough buyer personas to cover their target market.

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Inbound Marketing Vs. Outbound Marketing

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is when a company attracts and draws potential customers in to their website by creating relevant content via blogs, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO), etc. Traditional marketing such as Print Ads, Telemarketing, Radio Ads, etc. are losing impacting effect on modern society. Advances in technology are altering, and evolving how companies do business today. This world has become an Internet driven, automatic place.  Web users want responses, updates, and knowledge instantaneously.. According to The Statistics Portal, as of 2014 there are 2.92 billion active Internet users around the world. This high number of people online goes to show the importance of businesses securing a strong Internet presence and using their website as part of the sales process with inbound marketing techniques

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