
What is Snapchat?

Posted by Maddie Keefe

August 16, 2016

Snapchat is taking the social media world by storm. Whether posing with your co-workers as adorable pups using the dog filter or watching the Snapchat Discover Stories for all the newest articles from companies like CNN and People Magazine, Snapchat has become extremely popular among teens and adults alike. The many features that Snapchat offers to users can be beneficial to companies as well. But first, we should start with the basics.

A “Snap” is a brief picture or video taken on a smartphone or tablet using the Expressions-9.jpgapp. The pictures can be taken facing the user, the infamous “selfie”, or of what the user sees. You can snap a picture of yourself or of your newest popular product in a matter of seconds with the click of just one button. If you wish to take a video of what you and your business are doing or experiencing at any given time, simply hold down the circular button at the bottom of the screen. Videos include the ability to zoom and a 10 second recording maximum. Both pictures and videos can be sent with messages placed directly on the post. Write a brief caption or draw a quick picture to put the “chat” in Snapchat.

Once you have the perfect picture or video, you need to share it with your followers. Adding  friends is quite simple; either add them by syncing your Address Book to the app or by username. Once they have accepted you as a friend, they will appear in a list on your feed. Take the perfect picture or video, select how long the picture can the viewed, click the little blue arrow at the bottom and share it with your viewers and potential customers that will be the lucky viewers of your message. If you want every one of your followers to see the particular “Snap” you are sending, simply click the “My Story” button on the friend feed and it will appear for all of your followers to view it as many times as they would like for 24 hours. This differs from the regular “Snap” to a certain friend or two in that the singular “Snap” sent to a friend can only be played once and then replayed once. The “Snapchat Story” can be viewed by all of your followers repeatedly until it disappears when 24 hours from posting have lapsed. Be sure that what you post to “My Story” is something that can be viewed by everyone, and perhaps even multiple times over the course of a day.

There are many ways to spice up your Snapchat account. There are editing filters that apply an effect over your post to give it an edited appearance. It may be a black and white filter or a bright filter that gives you the glow of a sunny day. Along with those filters are other available displays such as the temperature outside, how fast you are moving while taking the picture or video and what time it is when you are taking it. If those filters are not enough to keep you entertained in your most bored moments, turn the camera to face you as if you were to take a “selfie” and hold one finger over your face on the screen. Once Snapchat recognizes your face, more filters such as dog-ears or funny accessories appear virtually placed your face. Endless creative opportunities to make your business stand out await your viewers.

Swipe through the “My Story” feed to find the Discover Stories. It is here that companies like CNN, People snapcode-300x300.pngMagazine, Food Network and Buzzfeed post a new series of stories, news articles or videos every 24 hours. Use this as your newest tool to stay in the know on a variety of different topics.

Snapchat is one of the most popular apps used today, and for good reason. Whether using it to connect with customers through pictures and videos or to read up on the latest news happening in the world, use Snapchat to communicate with people like never before.

Want to know how your business is doing on Snapchat or other social media platforms? Request a free audit! 

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